Ian Gonczarow
Painting 2014
Dumb and dumber (?)
2014 oil on canvas 50 X 40 cm
Studio juxtaposition 2014
Oil on canvas 30 x 25 cm
Dumb and dumber (?) 2014 oil on canvas 50 X 40 cm
Dumb and dumber (?)
2014 oil on canvas 50 X 40 cm
Oil on canvas 30 x 25 cm
Oil on canvas 30 x 25 cm
Dumb and dumber (?)
2014 oil on canvas 40 X 40 cm
Dumb and dumber (?)
2014 oil on canvas 40 X 40 cm
b and Dumber 2014 oil on canvas 165 x 255 cm
Dumb and dumber (?)
2014 oil on canvas 40 X 40 cm
Dumb and dumber (?)
2014 oil on canvas 255 X 165 cm
Dumb and dumber (?)
2014 collage 80 x 100 cm
Dumb and dumber (?)
2014 collage 80 x 100 cm
Studio juxtaposition 2014
Studio juxtaposition 2014
Dumb and Dumber
2013 oil on canvas 25 x 30 cm